The fables of Aesop and others, translated into human nature

Classic Fables illustrated by Charles H. Bennett


A selection of legendary tales written by Aesop, published in 1875 by Chatto & Windus. We are dealing with 22 fables altogether, each with a moral and one illustration signed by Charles H. Bennett (1829-1867). Illustrations were drawn directly on wood and engraved by legendary engraver Joseph Swain (1820-1909). As you can see, all pictures were colored by unsigned artists, which makes this old picture book especially attractive.


Inside cover of Aesop's Fables

Let's enjoy one fable at a time:

The wolf and the lamb


The Wolf and the Lamb by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: A tyrant can always find an excuse for his tyranny.

The frog and the ox


The Frog and the Ox by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: Not all creatures can become as great as they think.

The ass in a lion's skin


The Ass in Lion's Skin by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: No disguise will hide one's true character.

The lobster and his mother


The Lobster and His Mother by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: You can distinguish from others easily, just have to be boiled first.

The wolves and the sick ass


The Wolves and the Sick Ass by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: The kindness of a legacy-hunter is apt to be killing.

The ape and her two young ones


The Ape and Her Two Young Ones

The moral: A plant may thrive better by the roadside than in a hot-house here a Fool is a gardener.

The daw in borrowed plumes


The Daw in Borrowed Plums

The moral: Borrowed feathers do not make fine birds.

The lion and the gnat


The Lion and the Gnat by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: The least of our enemies is often the most to be feared.

The fox and the crow


The Fox and the Crow

The moral: Do not trust flatterers.

The fox that was docked


The Fox That Was Docked by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: Do not listen to the advice of him who seeks to lower you to his own level.

The dog and the shadow


The Dog and the Shadow by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: It is not wise to be too greedy.

The fox and the grapes


The Fox and the Grapes by Charles H Bennett

The moral: It's easy to despise what you cannot have.

The mole and her son


The Mole and Her Son by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: Do not boast of things you do not have.

The cat's paw


The Cat's Paw by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: The flatterer seeks some benefit at your expense.

The treacherous cur


The Treacherous Cur by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: Trust is hard-gained and easily lost.

The dog and the wolf


The Dog and the Wolf

The moral: Better starve free than be a fat slave.

The dog in the manger


The Dog in the Manger

The moral: People often begrudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves.

The hare and the tortoise


The Hare and the Tortoise

The moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

The fox and the crocodile


The Fox and the Crocodile

The moral: Liars are caught out by their deeds.

The ant and the grasshopper


The Ant and the Grasshopper

The moral: If you want to succeed tomorrow, you have to start working today.

The wolf in sheep's clothing


The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The moral: The evil doer often comes to harm through his own deceit.

The wolf and the crane


The wolf and the Crane by Charles H. Bennett

The moral: Expect no reward for serving the wicked.

This was a selection of 22 fables mostly attributed to Aesop. If you wish to read more fables, there are hundreds and hundreds of them available online. To learn more about the importance of reading fables, visit this page:


Why should you make your personal list of fables? | Many Interesting Facts


Bye for now!